DataBoy Software and Web Design

DataBoy was first established in 1991, as a software company, designing custom programs for the small office. The most notable of these was "TimeCard", a database-centered MS-DOS time card calculator that allowed for quick calculation in various time card formats, as well as data storage, overtime and vacation pay tracking and a host of other features.
Founder Buddy Logan later accepted an offer as the main utility programmer and data processing manager for national freight company Midwest Motor Express, a position he held for almost 10 years. After moving back to the West Coast in 2003, Buddy re-established DataBoy as a software and Web design company, later establishing EzRabbit Web Hosting and AreoMail, a mail campaign service. He has been programming software since the mid-eighties.
The "Us" in DataBoy is a group of freelance programmers, designers and developers who may be relied on as needs arise. The majority of design and development is handled by Buddy, providing a one-on-one experience for his clients.
"I will personally meet with you, whether by phone, email, or in person. Together, we will map a strategy for your web site, and come up with a design and a flat price that fits your needs. For the most part, from the design phase to completion of your site, I will be working directly with you to see that everything is moving along to your satisfaction. I will also be doing most of the coding, whether it be HTML, PHP, JavaScript or other processes.
"Behind me, are a number of graphic designers and programmers I network with for specific tasks. I do because they are darned good at what they do, and I always want to give my clients the best that I can. Having an on-call staff also allows me the ability to taylor talent according to your needs."
DataBoy Software is a Full Service company, providing Web Development, Web Hosting, Domain Name Registration and much more.
Give us a call today and see what we can do for you!